Monday, April 29, 2013

Episode 17- Composing GHR with Jesse Harlin

On this episode of GHR, we have the multi-talented Jesse Harlin. You may know his work from many of the hallowed games released by Lucas Arts over the past 10 years, which include Star Wars the Old Republic, Republic Commando and The Force Unleashed. He tells us about the work behind the scenes in crafting the music that fuels our gaming experiences. He also discusses his creation of the Mandalorian Language and what some of the words were crafted to mean. Finally, we tease our next contest and give details as to how you can get entered! You missed it live, now download the newest episode of Geekhead Radio!

Link to download

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GHR Episode 16 A Dark And Brickenless Night (April 14, 2013)

Like all things in life, not all things go according to plan. Preacher23, Perrian and Courtney return for Episode 16 of Geekhead Radio without a guest but we make the best of it. This episode we discuss Elder Sign, Sentinels of the Multiverse, the tragic end of Lucasarts and the birth of Dunderpate Music. So download “A Dark and Brickenless Night” and listen to half-assed nature of the Geekhead Radio podcast!

Link to download

Skewed News Elder Sign - Expansion Jayne Hats Jess Harlin Dark Horse loses license to Marvel for Star Wars US Supreme Court to hear arguments on case determining whether human genes are patentable NASA to lasso an Asteroid and put it in lunar orbit Digital Projection Spring Anime Series Defiance